We are a sheetfed offset printing company operating since 1991. We are offering the following services: Preparation of files for printing, printing and bookbinding.

We specialize in the printing and processing of: books, folders, supplements, folders, catalogs, brochures, flyers, calendars. You can find the full range of products on the offers page.

With the continuous expansion and modernization of the machinery we can offer our customers products of the highest quality.

We offer our services not only on the polish market, but also abroad. Since 2005 we work together with publishing houses in the EU. Currently 25% of our production is shipped abroad.

Poszukujemy pracowników

Poszukujemy pracowników do introligatornii do obsługi maszyn i prac ręcznych. Wymagania:
  • wykształcenie poligraficzne lub doświadczenie zawodowe na podobnym stanowisku
  • znajomość procesów technologicznych
  • mile widziana znajomość obsługi maszyn introligatorskich
  • zdolności manualne
  • dokładność.
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